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ウォーキング・パートナーの取組紹介 vol.7 〜株式会社エトウ編〜

今年の歩く国際協力「Walk in Her Shoes 2022」には、昨年の倍となる20社もの企業の皆さまに、社員参加を促進いただく「ウォーキング・パートナー」として、ご参加いただいています。



(English follows.)



Participant introduction

ETO Co.,LTD has long been involved in the export, import and wholesale of furniture in Okawa, Fukuoka, a city renowned for its fine craftsmanship. The company celebrated its 100th anniversary in 2020. To celebrate, we wanted to benefit the children in our area, so we made a donation to the city. We contribute actively to social events and activities, making it our aim to help people live fulfilling lives and to provide them with a pleasant living environment through the warmth of wood. We strive to be a company that challenges each of our employees to improve their skills and constantly reach for higher levels of success. This will be our first event with 25 of our employees participating.




Their purpose and goals for participating in the campaign

This year we were awarded the title of excellent health management by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. We decided to participate as an extension of our health management program, and also as a means to contribute to the community. We feel that our participation in WiHS will provide a good opportunity to draw our attention to international issues and  in turn deepen our understanding of the issues in today's world. The Corona Pandemic has resulted in fewer events for our employees and with people spending more time indoors, we are anticipating that it will be a good opportunity for more human interaction and physical activity. We are hoping that it will help them move forward, walk, and develop a positive outlook which will then contribute to a brighter future.


「Walk in Her Shoes」キャンペーン開始時にグループ2社でZoomにてキックオフを 行いました。初めての参加の為、取り組み方の説明をし、みんなで意識を高めあってのスタートとなりました。定期的に参加者の声を聴くようにし、「今までは健康意識があっても何も出来ずにいたが、彼女たちを思うと同時に歩数目標に向かって行動する事でウォーキングを続けられている」「この活動に参加出来て良かった」等の多くの声を聞く事ができました。


Their plans for in-house efforts to promote enthusiastic participation

At the beginning of the ‘Walk in Her Shoes’ campaign, two of our companies had a kick off event on Zoom. As it was our first time to participate, we explained about the challenge and were able to make a good start with a high level of awareness. We are making a point to listen to the participants’ comments. Many of them are commenting with words such as, “I was concerned about my health, but there wasn’t anything I could do about it. Now, seeing these women, I am able to continue walking and working toward my step count goal.” “I’m really glad I was able to participate in this campaign.” In the future, we plan to boost motivation by providing our participants with incentives such as nutritional snacks or supplements, make midterm announcements so participants are aware of how they are doing and give awards to those who are working to improve their health or continuing to increase their walking step count. We plan to make this an ongoing commitment, and hope our efforts will in some small way help people all over the world.




  • ファンドレイジング・インターンを募集します


  • 夏募金のお願い:戦争はわたしたちに精神的にも肉体的にも影響を与えました


  • マーケティング部 個人寄付担当(フルタイム職員)を募集します

    マーケティング部 個人寄付担当(フルタイム職員)を募集します

  • 6月20日「世界難民の日」:希望の灯を絶やさぬよう、紛争・被災地域において最も弱い立場におかれた人々にフォーカスした支援を行っていきます


  • 本などの寄付「1件につき500円上乗せ&買取金額10%UPキャンペーン」を実施しています





©︎Juozas Cernius/CARE