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Tasty and still going strong: The modern CARE-Package

[ 2012.2. 9 ]

German pensioner Hans Feldmeier tested a tin of lard from a historic CARE package / CARE still provides relief and support for millions of people around the globe


CARE Packages included food aid and basic supplies such as clothes.

Bonn, February 3, 2012.German pensioner Hans Feldmeier was very pleased to see the results of a food laboratory exam showing that a tin of lard from over 64 years ago was still edible today. The lard had been part of a CARE Package sent from the US, one of over 100 million packages that provided much-needed aid for war-torn Europe. Germany alone received over 10 million CARE packages.

Soon afterwards the retired chemist received a phone call from CARE and was delighted to learn that the aid organisation is still working in the present days. "It was very encouraging to hear that CARE continues to provide aid for people in need and to know that the spirit of humanity that we have witnessed back in the days is still alive today. The modern CARE package might not contain lard anymore, but the message of hope and humanity remains the same", beams the 87-year old Dr. Feldmeier.

CARE International was founded in 1945 as consortium of 22 American organizations to ease suffering and hunger in post-war Europe. CARE was named as „Cooperative for American Remittances to Europe" and the organization's package quickly became a symbol of hope and reconciliation. In later years, CARE's name was changed to "Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere" and expanded its programs of relief and development to other parts of the world.


The post-war Japan had also received CARE's support for eight years.

Today CARE is one of the largest aid organisations and works in over 80 countries around the globe, fighting poverty with over 1,000 projects that reach 122 million people. CARE's work includes implementing long-term programs to fight poverty, responding to humanitarian emergencies, and advocating for policy change to improve the lives of the poorest people.

Of course, a modern CARE-Package does not contain lard, coffee and chocolate anymore: today, CARE's relief items are purchased on the ground to support local markets and to ensure a fast response when a crisis strikes. The modern 'CARE- Package' also comes in various shapes and sizes: it provides access to better education, promotes sustainable agriculture and helps people to improve their household income through participation in village savings and loan associations.

But up to this day, CARE continues to honor the long-standing tradition of the CARE package and continues to care for those most in need, regardless of their religious, ethnical or political affiliation.

If you want to know more about CARE package, see here.