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CARE International Japan is a Japan charity and international humanitarian aid organization fighting global poverty, with a special focus on empowering women and girls to bring lasting change to their communities.
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CARE's Typhoon Haiyan Response Fund

[ 2013.11.15 ]


Super Typhoon Haiyan has displaced 921,200 people
across nine regions of the Philippines.
People are in desperate need of food, shelter, water, hygiene and
sanitation, and medicine.

The destruction caused by Super Typhoon Haiyan (known locally as Yolanda) is catastrophic. With sustained winds of 175 mph and gusts up to 230 mph, this is one of the worst storms on record and it requires a massive response. CARE aid workers on the ground say the extent of the damage to homes and infrastructure is reminiscent of the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami.

CARE's Response
CARE and our partners in the Philippines have conducted preparedness activities, helped evacuate families to take shelter in safe buildings and remain on the ground to assess community needs and provide critical assistance, including temporary shelter, food and hygiene supplies to survivors.

As women are usually responsible for collecting emergency aid supplies, CARE will take steps to minimize the risk of violence at distribution points by selecting locations close to where people are staying and in safe areas, and by enlisting community support and cooperation. We will also make our relief kits the appropriate size, so women can carry them easily back to their families. CARE assistance is also designed to meet the needs of women, men, boys and girls; for example, by providing different hygiene kits for women and for men.

Our initial target is to reach 150,000 people (30,000 families) in desperate need of help in Leyte and Southern Leyte (shaded on map), and will build on our existing work with a consortium of agencies, which CARE will lead. General food distributions will be required for at least the first three months. Our short-term response will be linked to longer-term livelihood recovery and rehabilitation activities over two to three years.

In the municipality of St. Bernard, for example, CARE is already working with ACCORD, a local partner, which, prior to Typhoon Haiyan operated with us to implement disaster risk reduction programs to help people in the area adapt to climate change. ACCORD has 28 staff supporting the response. Cordis, another local partner, has also seconded two staff to CARE. Moreover, CARE has already deployed 10 international experts to the Philippines. Additional emergency personnel from around the globe continue to be deployed every day. We are also coordinating with new partners to reach more people in affected areas. Today, aid agencies, coordinated by the Philippines government, are working together to ensure we reach everyone and do not duplicate efforts.


CARE and partner staff make their way
through high water to the worst affected areas.

Your Support
Given the scale of the crisis, CARE has established the Typhoon Haiyan Response Fund with an initial $5 million goal that is likely to increase. Contributions to this fund will allow CARE to provide immediate relief and longer-term rehabilitation support to families and communities affected by the crisis. Your gift will help us position and deploy needed supplies and staff, make funds available to emergency-affected communities for immediate assistance, strengthen our ability to respond to future emergencies, and provide overall program oversight to ensure the highest-quality response.

Donate now(Japanese only)

Donation through post office*
Post Account: 00150-4-49006
CARE International Japan
*Please include your name and address, and indicate that this is for Typhoon Haiyan Response Fund.

For more information, contact us:

CARE International Japan
TEL: 03-5950-1335/FAX: 03-5950-1375
E-mail: info@careintjp.org