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CARE International Japan is a Japan charity and international humanitarian aid organization fighting global poverty, with a special focus on empowering women and girls to bring lasting change to their communities.
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Bangladesh: Coldest winter in 45 years: CARE distributes blankets

[ 2013.1.24 ]

January 21, 2013: This year Bangladesh has experienced its coldest winter in the last forty-five years, with temperatures dropping to two degree Celsius in some areas in the North. The cold wave began sweeping across the country around the middle of December and based on the three-month forecast (December 2012 to February 2013) from the Bangladesh Meteorological Department (BMD), moderate to severe cold waves will continue through January.


Those who suffer most are the extreme poor, many of whom have no proper shelter and therefore no defense against the cold.

The Government of Bangladesh has responded quickly to the cold waves and has delivered support to more than two million households in the most vulnerable districts.

Like many national and international organizations, CARE is responding to the cold wave and has distributed almost 30,000 blankets in the districts of Gaibandha, Kurigram, Rangpur, Nilphamari and Lalmonirhat. Each family received two blankets. In total, CARE plans to reach more than 42,000 households in the most severely affected districts with much needed blankets.

Furthermore, CARE Bangladesh is currently preparing for the next phase of the cold-wave response, which will reach an additional 28,000 households. CARE Bangladesh's initiative in response to the cold wave is funded by the CARE International, USAID, and by DFID through Shiree and ECHO. Along with significant support from implementing partner NGOs, local government authorities, and communities, CARE continues to extend humanitarian assistance to people in need.

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CARE International Japan
TEL: 03-5944-9931/FAX: 03-5950-1375
E-mail: info@careintjp.org